Note: This liveticker automatically updates every couple of minutes if ticker is online!

Current discipline: Freestyle
Divisions: Pro Men
Heats: 3 best moves counting per tack | 9 min heats | 3 min transition


20:30 Prize giving.

20:00 Vriewsijk claims victory. Second Testa. Third Caers.

19:30 SUPERFINAL between Testa and Vrieswijk. 15 min heat. 3 moves counting per tack.

17:00 Conditions are a bit lighter but it’s still possible to run the competition. The riders get enough moves in on both tacks.

16:00 We are running two man heats now. Wind is full on.

15:20 Double is still running! Some very close heats. Conditions looking good.

14:45 Caers claims third place. We go straight into the double.

14:34 Winning is Amado Vrieswijk!! Congratulations! Next up: losers final Bosson against Caers.

14:25 Winners final is ON!

14:15 Winners final: Testa against Vrieswijk | Losers final: Bosson against Caers

13:35 Everything fixed. We are back up and running. 2 men heats from semi-finals onwards.

13:24 AP Up. We have some technical problems with the livescoring. Not all scores were coming through in heat 13.

13:11 3 moves counting per tack from this heat 13 onwards. Vrieswijk vs Passani and Bosson vs Broeckhoven

12:50 Passani and Vrieswijk advance. From heat 13 onwards we’ll increase the counting moves per tack back to three.

12:35 Broeckhoven and Bosson advance over Böckler and Nebelung Lucas. We are having technical problems with the livestream right now, please stay tuned.

12:25 Schmit and Marconi advance. very close heat between Marconi and Kort.

12:13 Green flag up for heat 5A/B.

11:50 AP goes down in 7 mins. 1 sequence warm up. We’ll start with 5A/B.

11:00 Stand-by. Still no improvement.

10:30 Wind is still too light to start competition. AP flag is up. If AP goes down, there will be one warm-up sequence and we can start straight with the remaining heat of the first round: 5A/B with Schmit, Marconi, Cooke and Kort.

09:30 Course is set and the judges are on the boat. Waiting for the wind to kick in now!

08:00 Welcome to the last day of the Surf Opening 2021 here in Neusiedl am See, Austria. Skippers meeting is schedulded for 9:00 am. We hope to finish the single elimination today.


21:00 End of the day.

20:45 1st place Lennart Neubauer, 2nd Kiri Thode, 3rd Adrien Bosson

20:30 End of the tow-in competition: Prize giving will happen shortly!

18:00 Training for the final is on. Competition starts at 07:00 pm CET

17:00 The ten Tow-in finalists: Esteve, Vrieswijk, Testa, Bosson, Caers, Van der Eyken, Frans, Böckler, Thode, Neubauer

16:35 Tow-in final tonight at 7.00 pm | training starts at 06.00 pm

16:30 Finalists from tow-in qualification 2: Esteve, Vrieswijk, Testa, Bosson, Caers

14:00 Training for tow-in quali round number 2 will start shortly. Competition starts at 03.00 pm

12:20 Tow-in qualification round number 2 will be on the water at 02.00 pm for training, competition starts at 03.00 pm

10:00 Welcome to day 3 at the Surf Opening in Neusiedl am See, Austria. Program for today: Tow-in qualification round number 2 where we determine the final five riders who will advance to the final this evening at 7.00 pm CET


20:00 Skippers meeting tomorrow 10:30 am

17:30 End of the day. The wind dropped off and race director Danny Kater called it off for today. There will be an open tow-in practice. Plan for tomorrow: tow-in round number two

17:00 AP is up. We’ll stay on stand-by with heat 5A/B.

16:50 Next heat another re-sail of heat 5A/B, then heat 9A/B, then 10A/B

16:23 Heat 5A/B cancelled again. This one seems to be a bit cursed. Next heat on the water is the first heat of round 2. Heat 9A/B with Adrien Bosson against Lucas Nebelung and Steven Van Broeckhoven against Valentin Böckler. After that again 5A/B

16:14 Advancing from heat 7: Van der Eyken and Esteve. Next up 5A/B

15:57 Heat 7 is cancelled. We stick to this heat order and will see a re-sail of heat 7 next.

15:50 Heat 7 on the water: Sam Esteve against Tin Greguric, Constantin Geis against Dieter Van der Eyken

15:48 Heat 5A/B cancelled again. Youp Schmit manages to pump into some moves, but it really stays below the edge. Next up heat 7A/B, afterwards re-sail of 5A/B

15:38 Heat 6B/8B counts. Volkhardt and Vinante advance. Next up 5A/B.

15:25 5A/B cancelled. Next on the water 6B/8B with only 2 moves counting per tack! Let’s give it a go!

15:17 Re-sail of heat 5A/B back on the water. This will be the last heat with 3 moves counting per tack. From 6B/8B onwards we’ll switch to 2 moves counting per tack.

15:14 Heat 6B/8B had to get cancelled again. We go back to the initial heat order and continue with 5A/B, followed by 6B/8B, then 7A/B

14:55 Cancellation of heat 6B/8B. When conditions improve we’ll resail this heat, followed by 5A/B

14:40 Heat 6B/8B Marco Vinante against Paul Simmerl and Felix Volkhardt against Tim Gerdes

14:34 Heat 5A/B saw some moves but had to be cancelled after the second re-sail. We will try to continue with heat 6B/8B and afterwards re-sail 5A/B again.

14:15 Red Flag up for heat 5 A/B

13:55 AP Flag will go down in 5 mins. We want to try to start the heat 5A/B with Youp Schmit against Bob Cook and Eugenio Marconi against Tigo Kort.

13:45 Anouncement: In case we can continue the competition we will stick to 4 men heats until the finals. Finals will be 2 men heats.

13:30 Conditions are still up and down. We are staying on stand-by. Let the waiting game begin.

13:00 Conditions seem to improve! Some riders are out on their 4.8s and they are planing in the gusts. We will check if the race-course needs to be adjusted to make sure we hit the perfect area for the competition and then hopefully continue with heat 5A/B

11:25 No real improvement of the situation. Next announcement for tow-in fleet number 2 will be at 2.00pm

10:50 We are still on stand-by. Some good gusts are coming through but it doesn’t look sufficient for now.

10:30 Stand by. Wind is still too light.

10:00 Wind is still too light to start the competition. We stay on AP for now. So competition can start as soon as AP is down.

09:00 First possible start needs to be postponed a bit, as we need to adjust the judging boat. Wind is filling in.

08:30 Race crew is out on the boat already getting ready for the competition. Heat area is set.

08:00 Good morning at day 2 of the Surf Opening in Austria. COVID testing procedure is done for riders and crew. Next up: skippers meeting. The wind looks like it’s going to fill in during the morning and we hope to finish the single elimination today.


20:15 End of Day 1. Skippers meeting tomorrow 08:00 am | First possible start 09:00 am

20:00 Advancing into the final: Neubauer, Frans, Van der Eyken, Böckler, Thode

19:35 Leading after round 1 is Lennart Neubauer, followed by Taty Frans and Dieter Van der Eyken. Position 4 and 5 goes to Niclas Nebelung and Giovanni Passani. We start round number 2 with the lowest score from the first round.

19:00 Start of tow-in fleet 1. We’ll start with the lowest seeded rider and proceed to the best seeded rider. After round number 1, the rider with the lowest points will go again first, up to the rider with the highest points who will go last.

18:00 Tow-in training is on. First possible start for fleet 1 is 18:30

16:30 That’s it for the freestyle action of today. Wind doesn’t seem to fill back in. Skippers meeting for the tow-in will be at 5.30 pm, first possible start 6:00 pm. Fleet on the water today: Neubauer, Niclas Nebelung, Lucas Nebelung, Taty Frans, Giovanni Passani, Valentin Böckler, Dieter Van der Eyken, Kiri Thode, Lucas Nebelung, Tin Greguric.

15:40 Still on stand-by for heat 5.

15:20 Heat 5 had to get cancelled again. Conditions are too unstable at the moment to make a fair competition possible. There is however a bad weather front lining up and we are hoping for more wind within the next hour.

15:08 We are ON!

15:08 wind has picked up. AP going down in 5 mins. Next on the water: re-sail of heat 5A and 5B

14:18 Next tow-in announcement at 05.00 pm

14:15 AP is currently up until conditions improve. 

13:50 We had to cancel heat 4 of the day with Marconi against Kort and Schmit against Cook had to get cancelled because the wind dropped too much to make a fair competition possible. We stay on hold for now.

13:40 Heat nr. 3 Passani and Neubauer advance

13:30 Lucas Nebelung and Adrien Bosson advance from Heat 1 | Niclas Nebelung and Valentin Böckler advance in heat 2

13:00 IT’S ON! Re-sail of heat Nr. 1A and B

12:45 Cancellation of Heat 1A and B

12:40 3mins to red flag of heat 1A and 1B

12:30 Simple version of the livestream is on now – full livestream with commentary and close ups from the top 16 onwards

12:25 AP down! Warm up heat. This means 10 mins until the first heat: Adrien Bosson against Maurizio Moritz and Taty Frans against Lucas Nebelung.

12:15 Conditions are too light at the moment to start the competition. Forecast looks best between 1.00 pm and 3.00pm. Fingers crossed.

12:00 The riders are out on their bigger sails, conditions look a bit patchy still. The race course needs a little adjustment.

11:40 Livestream will be online from the top 16 riders onwards. We’ll inform you on exact times once we started the heats.

11:30 AP-Flag is up

11:30 First Possible Start

11:00 Welcome to day 1 at the Surf Opening in Neusiedl am See, Austria. 28 riders signed up to battle for € 10.000,- prize-money in the freestyle and € 5.000,- in the tow-in discipline