It was just four years ago, that Sterre Meijer had her debut in the EFPT. Back then she was twelve years old and landed her first vulcans. Since then, the junior grew up to be a pretty teenager: pretty fearless, pretty rad, pretty committed. No matter the windsurfing conditions up North, you may Sterre on the water. Winter or summer, the Dutchie doesn’t care and this reflects in her freestyle progress: shove-its, spocks, grubbies, flakas and punetas are already ticked on her list and we are certain that many more completed moves will follow in the near future. Get to know Sterre, the rising star in the womens freestyle windsurfing scene.
EFPT: Sterre please tell us some things about yourself. How old are you? Where do you live?
Hi, my name is Sterre Meijer, I am 16 years old, and I live in the Netherlands, near my home surf spot Brouwersdam. Windsurfing, surfing, skateboarding, longboard dancing and drawing are the things which I love to do. Besides that, I am a student at a pre-university education.
EFPT: When did you start windsurfing and what was your motivation?
I started windsurfing at the age of six because my brother was doing this same sport already and I loved it. When I got my swimming diploma I started my first lessons. At the age of eleven I discovered freestyle windsurfing and I absolutely loved it. I really wanted to be able to get my board in the air and jump! When I finally landed my first Vulcan I was so happy!! And I really wanted to master more tricks.
EFPT: Who inspires you?
All the ripping girls on the water! Like Sarah-Quita Offringa, Maaike Huvermann, Hanna Poschinger, Yoli de Brendt and all the other surf and skate girls. My brother also supports me and gives me tips whenever I am training a new move.
EFPT: What moves can you do and which moves are you working on?
Currently I am doing tricks like shove-its, spocks, flakas, vulcans, grubbies, punetas and I am training shakas, funnels and switch konos.
EFPT: What is your ,go to move’ ?
For now it is definitely shaka, as I already mastered the shove-it. Shaka is in my opinion one of the most beautiful tricks. I love watching someone doing a shaka! After that I really want to learn a burner!
EFPT: Besides windsurfing you also skate a lot. Do you feel it helps your windsurfing?
Yes, Definitely! Whenever there is no wind, I am still able to train my balance and muscles due to skateboarding and longboard dancing. Skateboarding also helps with my perseverance. For example, I learned that training a trick can take ages to master and includes a lot of practice and falling.
EFPT: What are your windsurfing dreams? Where do you want to travel / who do you want to windsurf with?
I have so many windsurfing dreams! Like getting on the podium of the PWA someday or land amazing tricks and get over all my fears, I just want to go for it! I haven’t really been traveling yet… But I would love to go to Bonaire or Aruba in the future!
EFPT: You are very active on Instagram and recently started a new account ‚boardqueens‘. What will we see on this account and why did you start it?
Maaike and I were talking about all the surf and skate girls and how much we love watching them on Instagram. We really wanted to support all those surf and skate girls! From the starters till the pro’s, they all are amazing. We also want to get others inspired!
Maaike Huvermann and Sterre – the Boardqueens
EFPT: You entered the EFPT for the first time in 2017! How was this first competition for you?
I loved it! Even though I was only just trying moves like Vulcans shortly, the experience was awesome. The girls (and boys) were all very helpful and supportive. Not only the competition was great but the whole event was such a great experience! This made me really want to join again the years after.
EFPT: What would you tell other freestyle girls who are thinking about competing?
Really go for it! The experience is amazing, and you can learn a lot from the competitions and from each other. You are not on your own when participating in a competition, we all have the same passion, and you can ask anyone for help! There is absolutely no stress needed and it’s so much fun. You get to meet so many windsurfers from around the whole world and of course also all the professionals! I think that after you have joined the EFPT you can even be more passioned to learn new tricks than before!
EFPT: Are we going to see you compete in the EFPT and PWA in the future?
DEFINITELY!! I would participate at the EFPT in Italy but unfortunately it has been cancelled because of COVID. Joining the PWA has also always been a dream for me! As soon as possible when there are competitions again, I would love to give it a try. I’m also very curious how it would be to join the PWA. Can’t wait for it!!
Enjoy a little edit by Sterre Meijer: