Send List with Balz Müller – Pozo 2023

September 1st, 2023

Innovation is at the core of our sport, and the freestyle windsurfing community owes a great deal of this innovation to Swiss waterman Balz Müller (Severne Windsurfing). Since he entered the scene, everyone was treated to some of the most radical video clips ever seen. Conceptualising new freestyle moves, spearheading Foilstyle and motivating everybody with his stoke, he has already cemented his place in the freestyle hall of fame. It seems though, that Balz is not done yet. Earlier this summer a document surfaced on the internet, showing his “Send List”. A single compact page, holding endless new variations on moves that he would attempt in the howling winds of Pozo Izquierdo. The result? Check it out for yourself in Balz’s latest video below:
